Welcome to LisaDeLucaCoach.com.
I am happy you are here.
As a life coach, I empower women to transform
stress and self-doubt into calm wisdom and courage to
be themselves in life, in work, in words.
…I show you how to fully de-stress and be yourself without doubt and worry…
…I help you access your “wise mind” and stop second-guessing your decisions…
…we sharpen confidence and skills to express yourself effectively and say what you mean…
…if you are not sure about the meaning and purpose of your life I help you find it…
…and did I mention joy? I help you find and express your joy…
I offer 8-week and longer programs and courses that include individual sessions with me.
If this sounds right for you click the button to book a free 20 minute, no obligation, zoom call.
And get my free 5-minute video training:
How to Squash Anxiety in Four Life-Changing Steps
Even though I am a Therapist, if you hire me as your Coach we will not be doing any therapy.
Therapy is a medical and mental health service to help heal illness. Therapists use many techniques including coaching.
But coaches never do therapy, even if they are therapists. Coaching is a personal service to help you remove mental and practical obstacles (removing obstacles, not healing illness) to accomplish your goals. Coaching is not a medical or mental health service and does not require a professional license, like therapy does.
Think of a life coach as any sports coach. Sports coaches teach and help you play a game. They help motivate you and help you have confidence.
They help you shift any negative thinking that gets in the way of your best game play. They do not provide you with medical care.
Life coaches are the same.
The game they are expert in, rather than tennis or golf, is how humans achieve success in making changes they want to make in their personal or professional lives.
I look forward to meeting you!
And remember to follow me on social media for inspiration and useful anxiety hacks and life tips!